Mereaira Jones


Tenei au e mihi
Tenei uri o Te Arawa me Tainui waka
Tenei mōrehu o Hinemihi, Te Pākira me Kauriki marae
Tenei ihotanga a ngā maunga korero o ōku tupuna, ko Tarawera, ko Ruapehu

I became a kōmiti member of Ngāti Rānana in January 2023. I practice law in a London based law firm specialising in planning and environmental law. I studied at the University of Waikato where I obtained my Bachelor of Laws with a minor in Te Reo and Tikanga Māori.

My taha Māori is extremely important to me and Ngāti Rānana is an awesome group with great people that allows me to stay in touch with the Māori way of life away from Home. 


Jackie Naylor


Tobin Harden