Jackie Naylor

Kaitiaki Kākahu/Kākahu Custodian

Rongowhakaata/Ngāi Tamanuhiri Iwi

I was born in England but in 1990 it was a life changing experience for me to discover that my maternal grandfather was Maori. I joined Ngāti Rānana and have been a performer and guitarist for nearly 30 years having performed in Canada and all over the UK and Europe.

I learnt to sew and embroider at Infant's School at the age of 5 and have carried on with my passion for design and sewing for over 66 years.

I'm honoured to still be a member of the Ngāti Rānana whanau and I look forward to enjoying my year as Kakahu Custodian.


Gerry Williamson


Mereaira Jones