About Us
Tō Mātou Matawhānui
Our Guiding Principles
All members should strive to uphold our principles of Kotahitanga, Whanaungatanga and Manaakitanga. Ngāti Rānana do this through performance, advancing the mana of te Ao Māori in the UK and Europe. Whilst also providing a culture that enforces a kaupapa of inclusivity.
Whaia te tika me te pono - We act with integrity and honesty
Kia kotahi ai te tū - We stand together and support each other
Kō tō tā toa, te toa takatini -We uplift our members to succeed as a group
Mā te whakapapa tātou e arahi - We are guided by our ancestors
Mēnā he ngākau Māori, nau mai - We include all who love and accept our culture
Kō ngā tuakana hei whakaruruhau mō ngā teina - Our senior members are examples for our newer members
Mā muri, mā mua, ora ai te iwi - We each have a role to play in supporting our community
Kia hikina te mana me te tapu o ia o tātou - We treat everyone with respect
Aroha tētahi ki tētahi -We care for all those around us